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Purdue College of Pharmacy Internship 

This internship was a continuation of my work with the Purdue College of Pharmacy as an Experience Studio student to help build out their site.

For more background information, please click here.


Figma, Google Suite, Text Hierarchy, Typographic Scales, Responsive Grid Layouts, Design Systems, UI Style Guide, Auto Layout, Wireframing, Front-End Development, Secondary Research, Primary Research, Site Mapping, Visual Design, User Testing, Concept Testing

Techniques/Tools Used

Purdue Pharmacy students and researchers.

User Group

May 2022 - May 2023


My Contributions

  • Created in-depth site layout on Figma

  • Used high-fidelity prototypes to communicate visual design with developers

Figma Designing

  • Led bi-weekly meetings with back-end developers to discuss site layout

  • Met weekly with boss to check in about progress


  • Kept detailed record of proress using Google Sheets

  • Organized meeting notes via Google Docs


Final Design: Professor View

computer prototype.png

Final Design: Student View

computer prototype.png

The Process

User Testing

Before refining the mid-fidelity Figma prototypes that were created in the studio project, we presented our designs with the target user group to gain feedback about its functionality and visual aesthetic. The majority of our users were Pharmacy professors so that they could give us more information about specifics like appropriate project filters.


Understand the clarity of current prototypes as well as connect with users about how the designs could be improved.


Main Takeaways

The searching system could include more project-specific filters that connect to their department.

Role description text fields should have free text rather than a dropdown menu.

A roadmap would be beneficial for students to track their application progress.

Primary Research

Purdue Pharmacy professors from several different departments were interviewed to broaden understanding of experiences from differing disciplines.  Brief user testing was also conducted to get feedback on the iterated site designs.


Gain a more in-depth understanding of professor needs and concerns when creating research projects.


Main Takeaways

Information about different departments should be included for students who may be unfamiliar.

The training feature of old designs should be discontinued as most students do not complete training until their project begins.

An implementation of profiles would be beneficial so students and professors can learn more about each other.

User Testing

Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 4.25.00 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 4.26.27 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 4.55.29 PM.png
Screen Shot 2023-02-10 at 4.51.25 PM.png

Figma Research

Extensive research was conducted to learn more about the creation of advanced design systems, including:

  • Design handoffs for developers

  • UI design guidelines

  • Text hierarchy

  • Typographic scales

  • Responsive grid layouts

  • 8-point grids

  • Autolayouts


Obtain more knowledge about the usage of Figma for professional and developer-friendly purposes, as well as incorporate said principles into our final design.


Main Outcomes:

RxResearch Grid Example

Grid system and autolayout integration for screens

RxResearch Style Guide Example.png

Creation of style guide that aligns with brand values

RxResearch Typographic Scale Example

Creation of typographic scales used for heading and body text

Primary Research
Figma Research
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