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The Expedia team wanted a way to notify, educate, and help travelers make sustainable travel decisions when purchasing either a flight, hotel, activity, or vacation rental home (or a combination of these lines of business). 


Figma, Google Suite, Agile, Sprints, Wireframing, Concept Testing, Secondary Research, High-Fidelity Prototyping, A/B Testing, Value/Effort Matrix, Data Collection, Process Flow Chart, Analogous Inspiration, Site Mapping, Visual Design, User Testing, Journey Mapping, Blue-Sky Sketching

Techniques/Tools Used

Middle-class travelers that have neutral attitudes towards sustainable policies.

User Group

Fall 2022


My Contributions

  • Gathered data about sustainable travel and analytics

  • Created high-fidelity prototypes

Data Collection

  • Created site mockups on Figma

  • Increased design fidelity over time

  • Iterated mockups based on feedback


  • Gathered insight about design direction from sketches

  • Synthesized feedback from testees 

Concept Testing

Project Approach

Because “sustainable travel” is such a complex problem space, our team divided the semester into two subprojects (flight and lodging) in order to let us tackle the unique sustainability issues related to air travel and home. We utilized an agile approach, implementing two-week sprints for each subproject.

Final Design: Flight

Lodging Sprint (Expedia subsidiary)

Flight Sprint

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computer prototype.png

Low-Fidelity Mockups: Lodging

computer prototype.png

The Process: Flight

Journey Mapping

My team created a user journey map diagraming a user’s flight booking journey by using annotated screenshots from the current user flow.


Understand the current flight booking journey on Expedia and identify areas where sustainability information may be helpful/engaging.


Main Takeaways

Sustainability information is currently minimal and often buried.

The booking journey is divided into 3 main sections: initial search, flight selection, and checkout.

Sustainability information is segmented by airline rather than an overarching mission.

Journey Mapping

Example of some observations collected from the current Expedia flight booking experience.

Expedia Journey Mapping Image 2
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Sustainable information is only visible in upgrades

Sustainable filters could be applied with flight tabs

Secondary Research

The team researched eco-guilt, or the guilt or shame a user feels when they make a non-sustainable choice. Alongside this, we looked into ways to make sustainable options more attractive for users.


Find methods of motivation that encourage users to engage with sustainable options and research what de-motivates users to engage with sustainability.


Main Takeaways

Striving for progress and not perfection is key to sustainable motivators.

Building a sense of community appeals to users who enjoy being a part of something bigger.

Rewarding users for making choices that benefit the planet enhances trust.

Blue-Sky Sketching

The team researched eco-guilt, or the guilt or shame a user feels when they make a non-sustainable choice. Alongside this, we looked into ways to make sustainable options more attractive for users.


Find methods of motivation that encourage users to engage with sustainable options and research what de-motivates users to engage with sustainability.


9_14 Airline Sketch (1)_edited.jpg

Mid-Fidelity Prototyping

The team was split into subgroups, with one working on curating a community utilizing research findings and the other working on conceiving visual components that will drive sustainability whilst enhancing the overall user experience.


Design the best course to create an appealing yet compelling sustainable community on Expedia with tangible and visual components of the flight booking experience.


The Process: Lodging

Value/Effort Matrix

Value/Effort Matrix

The lodging team conducted research by looking at other rental home services’ sustainable practices for homes and homeowners.


Research motivators for why homeowners would want to make their home sustainable and discover methods to introduce sustainability to Vrbo Partners.


Value/Effort Matrix

Value/Effort Matrix for sustainable implementations

Main Takeaways

There are sustainable implementations available for in-person and online Vrbo features.

Most low-effort high-impact options involve habit changes like recycling.

There is a possibility for implementation of Vrbo offering a discount for sustainable add-ons like solar panels.

Process Flow Chart

The lodging team created a flowchart of steps and actions based on screenshots of the onboarding process.


Evaluate the current onboarding process for Vrbo hosts and identify areas where sustainability information may be helpful/engaging.


Process Flow chart for Vrbo Partner onboarding experience

Main Takeaways

Most actions occur within the center section of the onboarding walkthrough.

The "House Rules" onboarding section has potential for sustainable implementations.

Most of the onboarding process is informational, which could include sections for eco-friendly hosts.

Process Flow Chart
Secondary Research
Blue-Sky Sketching
Mid-Fi Prototyping
Process Flow Chart
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©2021 by Elise Marsicek.

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